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Good morning to the crazy world we are living in!

It’s me…. your chitty chatty promotional gift and clothing guru, also known as Tyra from Promovate.

It seems that things are slowly picking up in business.  Really slow for some industries and back to normal for others.

I thought I would highlight the need for clothing this week because we all wear clothes and in Winter we wear more.  Summer a little less but we wear them none the less.  Imagine a world without clothes.  A shocking thought with some crazy visuals are going through my mind!   Thank goodness for clothes!   Not only do they cover us up but they also can have another great purpose. 

Advertising and Marketing!  Yes!  Clothes protect us from visual trauma as well as help promote our business or product and they create a corporate image when worn by employees.

Promovate stock a wide variety of clothing and other apparel for you to choose from. With the option of applying personal branding to your wear, you can really create a stunning uniform for your staff or clothing for promotional purposes.

Top up your staffs winter wardrobe with body warmers, jackets, long sleeved lounge shirts and beanies.  Or get ready for Summer with promotional T-shirts, golf shirts and head wear.

We have everything you need to keep people in clothes 🙂 and we will brand them with your logo.

Have a super day!


Tyra Nozaic Goosen